Friday, 30 January 2009
Ball for Baby
Monday, 26 January 2009
Another 'fashion' post...if you can call it that!
Please excuse the poor photography, it is a bit late - always the best time for sewing. In the end I only used the pattern to get armhole dimensions, which were cut straight rather than the conventional curve. Funnily enough, the armholes are the only part I would change next time (might make a similar nightie). They are too deep, and there is a reason armholes are usually curved - it makes them fit better. Luckily my bust is now large enough to support a looser cut of top, whereas I'd usually need a closer fit for modesty. But it looks OK with a cardi, and I'm really pleased with the elastic at the bottom which almost gives it a slight 'bubble' shape, something I do believe may be slightly fasionable. My choice of brushed pink gingham cotton is decidedly dowdy, but very comfortable and maternal. So there you go.
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Lovely Dungarees
Friday, 23 January 2009
Friday Declutter Challenge - utensil drawer!
That is because it used to be shared between two drawers, one for everyday utensils like wooden spoon, knives and potato masher etc, and the other for baking stuff like spatulas, sugar thermometer (that I've rarely used but love!) etc. I emptied out the overflowing drawer and decided that it was maybe time to revert to that system. But now the 2nd drawer was overflowing with jars of herbs and spices spilling everywhere.
So I sorted those out too. Baking ingredients like baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, arrowroot (what is that?), cream of tartar (same question!) and jelly diamonds went into the baking cupboard, as did some stray bottles of food colouring and flavouring. Some very lovely spices I was given for Xmas in pretty pots that don't actually do up properly - well, I don't use them, and the pots don't work, so I'm afraid they're in the bin. Some open packets of spices went into a tupperware thing where they can hopefully keep a bit longer, and not spill everywhere. My fave spices are in marmite jars which now take up a lot less space, so I can fit some baking stuff back in.
And the rest of the utensils fit a lot better in the other drawer. I chucked out quite a few bits, including defunct oven lighter, broken jacket potato skewers (normal skewers are fine), a cheap, blunt knife, a barbecue thing that is huge and a give-away gadget that makes lovely carrot curls, but it utterly superfluous. The rolling pin is relegated to the pan cupboard because it only fitted in diagonally, which had been bugging me so much. And I was a good girl and made sure to use the opportunity to clean those drawers right out, and then used some bits of double sided tape to stick my chopped up table cloth drawer liners in - hopefully they won't get all bunched up now.
It's gonna take a while for me to get used to the new arrangement. But it feels good. Absolutely knackered now as the midwife came this morning and I had to sit on wooden chair for ages filling in forms, my back is really hurting. Also up with poorly D again last night, though he is a lot better and I got more sleep than the night before. Did manage to bake some cookies though, hurrah!
Thursday, 22 January 2009
Poorly Boy
But I am not too worried about him now, Fimbo is keeping guard from under the blanket there.
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Today Barack Obama is President
Monday, 19 January 2009
I'm knitting a hat - for me.
I'm not even sure I really love the pattern all that much, but it looks so great and fresh in the picture, and I've enjoyed working this stitch pattern before, so here goes.
This ball was originally destined for a huge sloppy jumper with a cable down the front. But somehow it never got done, like so many things. Maybe this hat is more achievable. The wool doesn't quite look like that in real life, the blue is more subtle and a bit more greeney. Maybe the camera doesn't like green, because it hasn't picked up the snot green shade of our lovely cosy sofa either.
Saturday, 17 January 2009
bye bye nasty old plastic plates
Here is my china cupboard before - it isn't the worst cupboard in the kitchen by far, probably because we use it a lot, but there's some unnecessary stuff in there:
Why are there so many of those horrible plastic plates? Why one egg cup on each shelf? Do we need all those odd plates and bowls toppling around up top there? Do we have to keep those nasty charity shop plates we bought when we first moved out?
Here is the cupboard after I took out some crud. I like the fact most things on the bottom shelf are the same colour. Unfortunately Ben said we do need 10 dinner plates occasionally, and he is right. So nasty ones stay for now. As do quite a lot of plastic things, for sentimental reasons. I found a nice china bunny bowl which Dan can use for brekker, and he has a matching bunny mug which is nice for milk or hot chocolate. And all the egg cups are together again. I've decided it is necessary to have 4 types of bowl. I have:
4 pasta bowls
4 cereal bowls (+bunny bowl)
6 glass bowls which look pretty with desserts in
4 earthenware type pot things, nice for mousse, servings of dips/hummus etc, and one day I might try souffle or creme brulee in them.
Had to keep quite a lot of the random plates because they were my great nannas and I love them.
The glass cupboard is something I have been meaning to attend to for a while. I like my colourful glasses but they rarely all fitted in. Just got rid of some nasty free coke glasses and some plastic cups (one child does not necessitate 17 plastic cups). Might look out for a set of matching, unbreakable, non-plastic mugs for children with handles. Do these exist? Realised none of our mugs match either but never mind. Some don't have handles but are well loved nonetheless.
Curvy lines
Dan's finished picture!
Mumma's picture
Friday, 16 January 2009
Positive reason to give up smoking #2
Positive reason to give up smoking #1
Nice food! The time, inclination and funds to make it, and enough of an appetite to enjoy it. Today I bodged some hummus for the first time, it was quite nice actually and very garlicky, And some roasted sweet chilli peppers and onions and tomatoes and stuff. And some cheese and bread and butter, and berries with greek yoghurt. MMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmm. Yummy. And fresh hot coffee. I woke Ben 10 minutes before lunch so he had a bit of time to get down stairs for it. He said - will there be nice cheese sandwiches from the toasted sandwich maker as well?
Could have strangled him. Chose to ignore him instead and fortunately he didn't want toasted sandwich after his lovingly made lunch.
Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Painted Marble Run
D loves it, and was even keen to paint it all over, painting being something he tends to find a bit boring usually. We used acrylic paint so that it would go on smoothly over the masking tape and shiny cereal box.
We managed to incorporate a sort of 'jump' so you can see the marble fall from one tube to the next.